Sunday, May 22, 2016

third time's a charm?

FWIW, this is not my first stab at blogging. It's my third.

The first blog I tried grew out of a joke. You know what goes better on French Fries than ketchup? Tartar sauce. I know you're all skeptical out there, but try it. It's really good. Anyway, back in the mid 1990s, before blogs were a thing, my then-friend Angry Bob (see acting reel below) noted that whenever we went for lunch I asked for a side of tartar sauce. By way of background, we went antiquing a lot, and my standard lunch was a burger, fries, and a side of tartar sauce.

Anyway, Bob thought it was the funniest thing, and suggested that I build a website around it. "The Tartar Sauce Report," as we started calling it, would basically be my reviews of tartar sauce. I would make sure to ask for Tartar Sauce every time I ate out. And I would write reviews. Bob came up with an approach that was pretty much what blogs would be. We joked about it, and laughed. But I didn't act on it until years later, when blogspot made it easy. In 2005 I started my first blog -- the Tartar Sauce Report. Friends at work made suggestions, including a rating system for tartar sauce. My father-in-law, who hardly ever laughed at anything, thought it was hysterical. But I got bored with it after a few weeks. Afterall, there's only so many times you can write "Went to the cafeteria for lunch today. The tartar sauce was OK."

My next attempt was MoishMusic. Hey, I like music. I collect CDS, I used to dabble in music journalism. I do some songwriting on the side, and I play guitar (albeit not particularly well). So it seemed like a natural. And I stayed at it for a while. But almost from the beginning I was chafing under the self-imposed limitations. I stayed at it for a few years, but it's been a while.

So that brings me to this. I don't know where it will go.

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