Friday, May 27, 2016

a mutant in the film class

In the cinema history class, last night, we finished up our section on Alien ripoffs with the 1982 Roger Corman production, Mutant, which is better known by the title, Forbidden World.

As one might expect from Roger Corman, this was a cheap production, with cheesy laser beam effects, and a monster that was at once horrifying and laughably silly. This movie was more miserable and claustrophobic than the other films we saw in this chapter, but strangely felt like an odd amalgam of Alien, Star Wars and Buck Rodgers in the 25th Century.

I rated it a 6, I think, largely because I just don't think it's at all memorable. If I find myself thinking more about it over the coming weeks, I'll revise my rating upward. Not that anyone reading this blog (assuming there is anyone reading this blog) will know, since that won't merit a post. At any rate, ratings from the rest of the class ranged from a 1 (I think Ethan can be too strict a grader) to a 9 (Joe is too generous when it comes to science fiction). So, make of it what you will.

Starting next week, we're doing werewolf movies. I suggested to Keith that we have a session on dystopias (my sister would be so pleased), so that may be coming later in the year.

Here's the trailer for Mutant (warnings: NSFW and NSFL):

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