Saturday, May 7, 2016

excitement in a game i don't understand

I am at the theatre while Sharon competes in the second week of this season of Competitive Minecraft. It's exciting. It's heartstopping. Even though I don't understand the game.
The kids are in rows at their computers. They're animatedly shouting as they manipulate the images on their screen. And I watch the big screen, trying to follow the action. But I can't. The images look like a bunch of Leggos; I can't tell who is whom, or who's doing what. Some of the games show scoreboards, so I can see how they're doing. And sometimes there's a mesage indicating that this one killed that one or this team won (or lost) a capture point. Or something.
And yet the exvitement is infectious. So I'm on edge in a way that sports used to get me.
I gotta go. The next round is "Domination"

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