Sunday, May 15, 2016

jet blue helps and the girls get fan art

I've already had a bunch of posts about Sharon and her MineCraft activities, including both her competitive play and the videos that she and Yunhee post on Youtube (as Team Meowsome),

Well, they're getting some love back from the viewing community, The graphics accompanying this post are samples of fan art that their subscribers have been emailing them. This is awesome beyond words.

As for the competition, it's hard for me to know how it's going. I asked Sharon, today, how it went and she, in disappointment, said that her team came in second in one of the games. As in, they came in first in the rest. And this was a letdown

I was actually kind of expecting a disappointing performance today. We were away for nthe past week, and only got home early this morning (via a redeye flight from Reno). The plan was to take a cab directly from the airport to the theatre. Under the best of circumstances, that's not exactly a plan for bringing out the best in a person.

And it was made worse by our flight leaving Reno an hour late. That meant cutting it really close. It was interesting to see Blair talking to the Jet Blue staff at the gate.She kept it light and conversational.

"We're really hoping that it'll be possible to pick up time. Our daughter has a competition in the morning, and she's a leader of the team, so she really has to be there."

Well, we'll certainly try. What does she compete in?"

"Minecraft. It's amazing. There are teams from all over the US and Canada in theatres..."

It sounds almost crazy, but it helped. There were two empty seats in the front row of the plane,
and as we descended the flight attendents told Blair and Sharon to take those seats so they could be the first off the plane. And we landed with enough time to spare, so they made it.

As a related aside, I will note that I have had really good experience with Jet Blue.

EDIT: Sharon's and Yunhee's Youtube channel is here.

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