Sunday, June 19, 2022

cinema history class: savage streets (1984)


As always, there may be spoilers here. And the trailer may be NSFW and/or NSFL.

Session: Be Vigilant (Week 3)
Movie: Savage Streets (1984)
Directed by Danny Steinmann

A high school cheerleader goes after the dirtbags who raped her deaf-mute sister. Horror ensues.

Reaction and Other Folderol:
The best way to sum up Savage Streets is to say that it was trashy, guilty fun. There's nothing subtle, and it's not particularly intelligent. But it delivers on its mission, and it's hard to complain about that.

SS wears its influences on its sleeve. Some of the early scenes are reminiscent of Grease, The gang themes reminded me of The Warriors. The gang rape was like the one in I Spit on Your Grave (the original). And there wewre other ways that the movie reminded of such disparate influences as Debbie Does Dallas and Class of 1984.

The standout performances were by John Vernon who was great in his supporting role as the principal, and Linnea Quigley who was very good as the disabled sister. But that said, none of the supposed teenage characters really looked like teenagers. Of course, Grease worked despite the same issue, so why not this?

The funeral at the end actually surprised me. I was expecting to see that final jump scare in the style popularized by Carrie, but that never came. I'm still unsure of whether I was disappointed or relieved that they left that out.

Me: 7
Bob-O: 9
Christina: 8.1
Dave: 9.7
Ethan: 8

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