Saturday, April 9, 2022

cinema history class: the beyond (1980)


As always, there may be spoilers here. And the trailer may be NSFW and/or NSFL.

Session: Crocker Picks the April Hits (Week 2)
Movie: The Beyond (1981)
Directed by Lucio Fulci

Some yutz decided to build a hotel in New Orleans right on top of one of the seven entrances to hell. Well, jeez, Louise! What do you think will happen? Horror ensues.

Reaction and Other Folderol:
"All your senses are attacked with this movie."
-- Bob-O

Bob-O got it right. this was just an all around thrill. The visual effects were stunning, and the score was the perfect enhancement.

In some ways this thing starts out slow. Or, at least, once you get past the ultraviolent prologue it's slow. But the tension builds, and you don't even realize how tense it has gotten until, like a lobster in a pot, you realize you've boiled over. By the end, it's heart-poundingly exciting. And the end -- I don't recall a better horror movie ending than this.

I'm not sure if I've ever seen this much gore. Well, maybe in such out-of-the-mainstream fare as Blood-Sucking Freaks, but never in a mainstream film. And, done with prostheses and makeup instead of CGI, it was very effective. I can't begin to count how many times during this movie the room was filled with giddy shrieks. 

Me: 9.5
Bob-O: 10
Christina: 10
Dave: 9.9
Ethan: 10
Joe: 10*

Sharon's reaction to the trailer: "I don't like the spiders"
Cats: No cats, but there's a big doggo named Dicky. Seriously, though -- who names a dog "Dicky"?

*Joe shouldn't really get to submit a grade, since he didn't actually attend class. But he was already familiar with the film, and actually rewatched it at home that night. A week and a half before this class he had already told us that he was rating it a 10, so there was not much surprise there. So I really want to leave out his grade. Or knock it down to 9.5 because he was absent. But I suppose someone has to save Nassau County's bus system.

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