Wednesday, April 6, 2022

cinema history class: andy warhol's frankenstein (1974)


As always, there may be spoilers here. And the trailer may be NSFW and/or NSFL.

Session: Crocker Picks the April Hits (Week 1)
Movie: Andy Warhol's Frankenstein (1974)
Directed by Paul Morrissey

Baron von Frankenstein assembles a man and a woman in hopes of creating a master race that will obey his commands. Horror ensues.

Reaction and Other Folderol:
Joe Dallesandro is really fuckin' annoying. He can't act, and his undisguised New Jersey accent is completely out of place as stumbels his way through his role as the stablehand/butler. But he had the look that was needed.

There's a lot to like in this movie, as it was certainly an original take on the Frankenstein story. But it does take a strong stomach, given the way it handles injuries and sex -- and combinations of the two. Now, that's fine by me; it's hard to offend my sensibilities. But I spent a lot of the movie wondering what the actual fuck I was watching.

But the ending saved it. As the bodies piled up and characters faced their respective fates the whole thing seemed almost poetic.

Keith showed us the 3-D version of the film, even providing us the special glasses. I have to admit that that was the right choice. As Joe noted, it would be relatively easy for any of us to watch the flat version on our own. But as interesting as the 3-D version was, the colors were somewhat dull. Watching the trailer in its brilliant colorful glory had me wishing I'd seen the whole movie that way. And -- who knows -- I may have given it a higher rating  based on the brilliance.

Me: 7.75
Bob-O: 9.6
Christina: 10
Dave: 9.9
Ethan: 10
Joe: 10

Sharon's reaction to the trailer: "Gorryy..."
Cats: Bats, lizards and rats. But no cats.

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