Thursday, May 14, 2020

thursday nights in new york -- sharknado 2

As the pandemic continues unabated, I continue my weekly recommendation of a movie set in New York.

Tonight's offering: Sharknado 2: The Second One (2014)

Having survived a sharknado in Los Angeles Fin Shepard and April Wexler are on their way to New York, to promote Wexler's book about their ordeal. They hope to meet up with friends and family, but instead find themselves in the midst of another sharknado.

I had never seen a Sharknado movie until this past Saturday. Sharon and I watched this one because a friend recommended it. This friend was very clear about recommending the second movie instead of the first. I was nervous about that -- fearful that I wouldn't know what was going on. I didn't want a replay of that whole Godfather III experience. Anyway, my friend explained that the first Sharknado movie took itself too seriously -- that it was in the second movie that they embraced the silliness. Silliness was, indeed, embraced. And there were very few places where I felt lost in the plot.

Plus, it was a nice touch to have Judd Hirsch play a cabdriver.

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