Friday, May 1, 2020

floral fridays -- our little flowerbed with the walkways

Working from home, I sit with a window at about 2:00. Which means that, turning my head a little to the right I can see outside. Within my range of vision is a corner of our front yard. This corner is a part that used to have grass. Actually, it had pachysandra when we moved in twenty years ago, but I hate pachysandra, so we pulled it all out and replaced it with grass. But, as Blair and I have gotten more into gardening, we've been slowly replacing grass with flowerbeds. In this particular flowerbed we have a bunch of label markers for daylilies. And there are a couple flagstone walkways into the flowerbed.

One interesting thing about spending hours here is that I see the occasional person walk by. There are more passersby when we're not in the midst of a pandemic, but even in this situation we have there are a bunch of people -- some of whom I recognize, and some of whom I don't -- who come by. I always get a bit of secret pleasure when I see people stop to look at the garden. It's ragged right now, since it's early in the year. Truthfully, it's always ragged because Blair and I aren't good at weeding and trimming. But this early in the season we don't even have the beautiful daylily blooms to offset the ragged look. So the marker stakes stand as sentinels, seeming to identify nothing but the greenery.

At any rate, sometimes these people stop to look at the flowerbed. Sometimes they even take pictures, though I'm not sure why. But what really tickles me is when I see them walk into the flowerbed along the slate path. I'm not sure what they're getting out of it when there's nothing in bloom, but I really enjoy seeing people enjoying the walkways.

And I can't wait until I have blooms to see how people react then.

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