Friday, March 3, 2017

scars of dracula (cinema history class)

Session: Monsters of Hammer, week 4
Movie: Scars of Dracula

Love, lust and loyalty collide as two brothers pursue women and try to save each other in the vampire's castle. Hilarity ensues.

Class Reaction:
This was generally well-received by the class. And that's not surprising, as this was a Hammer film starring Christopher Lee. I was actually the dissenter, rating it a 7 (I think). We all appreciated the visuals, as well as the strong beginning and dramatic ending.

My Thoughts:
Visually, this was a very strong film. There were a lot of muted colors with splashes of vivd red -- tapestries, lips and blood. It all made for a dramatic look. The prologue, with its vivid shots of the aftermath of a bloodbat in church, was exciting, and set a great mood for a horror film. Unfortunately, most of the plot was repetitive, and there were many slow parts. It got exciting again near the end, and ended on another high note.

What makes it interesting is that, again, Hammer reworked a legendary monster as it needed for the film. He keeps a body around (hanging on a hook) so he can snack. And this is the first time I've seen bats being so active as part of a Dracula movie.

And, oh, those hokey bats... These are big hairy bats on a string. The kind of effects you'd expect from Gilligan's Island. Except, of course, for when they were going after cleavage. Of course, the cheesiness notwithstanding, the bats provided some truly horrifying moments.

Joe showed us an old Bugs Bunny short, What's Cooking Doc, in honor of last week's Academy Awards. In this short, Bugs Bunny gets incensed that he didn't win the Oscar, and shows an old film clip in a futile effort to change the judges' minds. It was amusing.

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