Wednesday, May 19, 2021

cinema history class: blood freak

Session: Gory, Gory, Hallelujah! Week 3
Movie: Blood Freak (1972)
Directed by Brad F. Grinter

As always, there may be spoilers here. And the trailer may be NSFW and/or NSFL.

After eating a drugged turkey. Herschell grows a turkey head. In this state, he craves the blood of drug addicts.  Horror ensues.

Reaction and Other Folderol:
If I want to find reason to praise BF, I can note that it's a one-of-a-kind travesty of a movie. This is an anti-drug, anti-sex, pro-religion exploitation flick. And there are relatively few of those.

But there are so many things to not like.

The acting is terrible -- lots of monotone deliveries that betray little if any emotion. And that's made worse by the editing. Scenes of conversations are made painful by the way they are cut. Since I am not a filmmaker or director, I can't explain exactly how any of the scenes should have been shot differently. But I know they should have. Another thing I can't exactly put my finger on is the fact that lots of scenes had a sort of bad 1970's porn vibe. During the living room scenes where lots of people are sitting around doing drugs, I half expected Juliet Anderson to come out and start directing an orgy. But the movies she was in were better-produced.

The sound was also...odd. During the most violent sequences, the screams seemed to be on a loop, so there was scream -- silence -- scream -- silence -- etc. You can even hear that by listening to trailer (above).

Brad Grinter, the director, kept popping up as a sort of narrator. He came off as a third rate Rod Serling. His commentary was largely a bunch of ramble, though his disdain for drugs is obvious.

But the worst sin was the ending. I was ready to give the movie an almost half-decent grade strictly by virtue of the fact that it made me laugh. But in the end, it fell back on the dream sequence twist, which is truly unforgivable.

One last thought: Herschell, as TurkeyHead, kind of reminds me of a demented San Diego Chicken.

Me: 2
Bob: 3.1
Christina: 6.5

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