Tuesday, March 15, 2022

cinema history class: blood of dracula (1957)


As always, there may be spoilers here. And the trailer may be NSFW and/or NSFL.

Session: Deadly Dykes (Week 2)
Movie: Blood of Dracula (1957)
Directed by Herbert L. Strock

A newcomer at her boarding school, Nancy is taken under a teacher's wing. But there is a price to be paid. Horror ensues.

Reaction and Other Folderol:
Blood of Dracula is engaging and enjoyable, but it's also too simple and ultimately unsatisfying.

The film starts out as a JD film -- or a teenage party movie (complete with a musical number). Serving that, there's some very well-done exposition, and it's maybe halfway through before there's any hint of vampires. The vampire element was inadequately explained via some appeals to hypnotism and mumbo-jumbo about power. And then it just kind of wraps up too neatly and quickly.

The transformation scenes -- where Nancy (Sandra Harrison) transforms into the vampire were very well done, and I was particularly interested in how the camera (or was it the makeup) made Karen go from cute to distorted and ugly then back to cute. But those elements were largely wasted on this.

Still, it was fun to watch.

Me: 6.5
Christina: 8.2
Dave: 9.2
Ethan: 7
Joe: 10

Sharon's reaction to the trailer: "Well...It's not a ten."
Cats: Still no cats.

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