Sunday, June 26, 2016

pluto as a nonplanet -- i finally get it

People of my generation grew up with nine planets. Pluto was one of them. And we knew it would always be so -- the part about Pluto being one of them. Not the part about there being nine. The number could grow if they discovered a new planet. But it wouldn't shrink.

And yet it did shrink after I became an adult. Pluto has been demoted, and we now have eight planets. For the longest time I had a hard time accepting that decision, since the only explanation I ever heard was that Pluto was much smaller than the other planets. That explanation didn't sit well with me. But now, thanks to the video below, I understand that it's not size alone. It has to do with the discovery of other objects whose orbits are in the same region as Pluto's orbit. And it parallels the demotion of Ceres as other asteroids were discovered.*

Yup. It finally makes sense to me, and I don't object to the decision not to include Pluto as a planet**.

*Perhaps this points to a need for me to read more about such matters. Maybe if I had read more about it I would have come across this information sooner.

**assuming, of course, that this video is accurate. Because we all know that there's no false information on the internet.

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