Sunday, September 2, 2018

cinema history class: the hunchback of soho

Session: Krazy Krimis -- Get Your Krimi On, Week 2
Movie 1: The Hunchback of Soho (1966)
Directed by ALfred Vohrer
As always, there may be spoilers here. And the trailer may be NSFW and/or NSFL

An heiress is kidnapped and imprisoned in a plot to steal her inheritence. Hilarity ensues.

As much as I enjoyed last week's introduction to krimis, I enjoyed this week's installment even more. Gone were the sober grays -- replaced by the garish colors of the late 1960s. And it wasn't just the color. This was a more exciting film from start to finish.

The Mad Executioners from last week started with a sober show trial (of sorts) underground. This began with a partially undressed woman running from a killer. And we're off to the races. It's not as if the excitement came at the cost narrative. The story here was every bit as strong as that of tME.

What I found fascinating was how much this movie reminded me of other things. The early scene in the police station reminded me of the Batman TV show. And the heiress sounded just like Barbara Feldon.

Of course, I took particular pride in a certain observation I made early on about the titular hunchback's hunch. But let's not go there...

Me: 9.5
Ethan: 9
Joe: 9.9

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