Wednesday, September 26, 2018

cinema history class: creature with the blue hand

Session: Krazy Krimis -- Get Your Krimi On, Week 4
Movie 1: Creature with the Blue Hand (1967)
Directed by Alfred Vohrer
As always, there may be spoilers here. And the trailer may be NSFW and/or NSFL

A homicidal maniac with a metal hand (which has built-in claws) is killing people, and Scotland Yard is having trouble solving the string of murders. Hilarity ensues.

There's stuff to like here.

First of all, there's Klaus Kinski who is always a treat. And here he plays a sane man, which is a bit of a stretch for him. There's the murder weapon, which can be seen as a primitive precursor to the whole Wolverine thing. And the portrayal of the various and sundry residents of the asylum was entertaining.

But I just couldn't really get into this.

Me: 7
Dave: 9.5-9.6
Ethan: 10
Joe: 10
Sean 3 out of 4

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