Sunday, November 20, 2016

will lids host a convention? will i be more involved?

Today was the last Long Island Daylily Society (LIDS) meeting of the year.

Pot luck lunch, slides from a few members' gardens, door prizes. All that folderol.

But some other matters that are of interest to me.

One of the things that's been on my mind about LIDS is that I'd like to get more involved. And the opportunity may have presented itself. One fact presented is that LIDS was asked about hosting the 2018 regional convention. We, as a club, have to decide whether we want to host, and we will be making that decision by vote in the January meeting. I mentioned to Blair (and she agreed) that we should agree to host -- that we'd be foolish not to. Caught talking, I was cajoled into standing up in front of the group to share my thoughts. It was like being back in school, told to share what I said with the whole room.

So I shared. And there was some joking about how I just volunteered to run the event. Uh...yeah...

I was approached after the meeting and asked if Blair and I would be willing to work on the convention. FIrst thing, I made sure that I wasn't asked to be in charge. I've never bee to a daylily convention, and don't know what all is involved. But it looks like I'll be part of a core of people doing the work. Assuming LIDS decides to go for it...

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