Monday, November 7, 2016

cinema history class: a reel of trailers

For the most part, in Keith's home-taught cinema-history class we screen one movie each week. There have been two exceptions -- during the role-reversal weeks Joe made presentations that involved TV episodes.

Well, last Thursday became another exception. An hour and a half of movie trailers. I can't even begin to try to list the films whose trailers were included. Except for The Virgin Witch. That one I remember.

Watching a long program of trailers is definitely a different experience than watching one movie. In many ways it was enjoyable. Instead of one story we got a few dozen. And many of these trailers were likely better than the movies themselves. It was actually a lot of fun, acting as the crew in a MST3K episode, tossing out barbs and heckling the screen. And it also served to provide ideas for what we'd like to see. "Hey, Keith, add this one to the list" was a constant refrain. And it's definitely useful to get a sense of the sensibilities that were at play in the film industry.

Joe suggested making this an annual tradition, and I think that's going to happen, which will make this the class' third tradition. The other traditions being our month of spaghetti westerns and our role-reversal month (which I have generally referred to as bring your own month).

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