Sunday, August 21, 2016

yet five more songs and poems from tv

This is the third entry in which I present five songs or poems from TV shows. I already discussed the rules so I won't revisit them here. The first two posts are here and here.

1) "Totally Tired" from Square Pegs

Johnny Slash forms a new wave band called "Open 24 Hours." Noteworthy is the fact that he gets John Densmore (from the Doors) as his drummer. Densmore isn't referred to by name, but as "the drummer from the Doors." TYhis is their professional debut, performed at a supermarket.

2) Untitled from The Munsters

Herman recites some string-of-consciousness nonsense, and the hippies love it.

3) "You Need Us" from Gilligan's Island
The Mosquitos have come to the island, looking for a secluded place to rehearse. The castaways decide to show the band that they have musical talent so that they'll rescue them. I don't remember if any explanation was given for why the band would, otherwise, not rescue them. Anyway, the girls perform this little surf tune. Of course, the plan backfires. Far be it for me to spoil things by saying how.

4) "Meditations on Turning Eight" from The Simpsons

Lisa vents in poem form.

5) "Bedrock Twitch" from The Flintstones

There are a few episodes in which Fred performs. In my favorite, he is "Rock Roll."

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