Wednesday, June 19, 2024

cinema history class: the undead (1957)

The session: "June is Corman! Corman is June!"
In memory of famed director (who died in May), Roger Corman, we view four films that he directed.

As always, there may be spoilers here. And the trailer may be NSFW and/or NSFL.

Week 2: The Undead (1957)
Directed by Roger Corman

My Level of Prior Knowledge
I hadn't heard of this.

An experiment with hypnosis sends a woman back in time to one of her earlier lives

Reaction and Other Folderol:
The Undead is an exercise in contrasts. It's a story of damnation and a story of salvation. And it's an odd mix of science fiction and fairytale. It also explores a topic that fascinates me (and that is often poorly portrayed), the fact that all aspects of our lives are interrelated. And the fact that you can't simply change one thing and expect everything else to remain intact.

The ending was way more Twilight Zoney than I was expecting, but that saved a sometimes-confusing plot. Once again I am learning that not all low-budget directors are the same. Roger Corman is definitely not Ed Wood. 

Me: 8.5
Bob-O: 9.6
Ethan: 8
Joe: 10
Rich: 8

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