Saturday, June 15, 2024

cinema history class: terror from beneath the sea (1966)

The session: "Japanese Sci-Fi"
Four Japanese science fiction movies -- but not the cliche giant monster kind

As always, there may be spoilers here. And the trailer may be NSFW and/or NSFL.

Week 3: Terror from Beneath the Sea (1966)
Directed by Hajime Sato

My Level of Prior Knowledge
I hadn't heard of this.

Reporters attending an underwater missile test discover a city full of water cyborgs -- and an evil villain running the show.

Reaction and Other Folderol:
Before staring, I'd like to note that one of the alternate titles was Agent X-2: Operation Underwater. In some ways that title is less descriptive, but I still like it better.

There's a strong element of James Bond-styled adventure here. Especially in the form of the sunglasses-clad villain. And that's just one of the many obvious influences that went into this mix. I can see where this borrowed from any number of zombie movies.

In many ways, the movie is very silly, what with the ill-fitting cyborg costumes, the very simple controllers for the cyborgs, and other things like that. But it still produced a lot of suspense -- way more than a movie this cheesy should be expected to manage. The effects were very...effective despite being primitive. And there was great incidental music. And I did love the villain's monologue. 

Me: 8.5
Bob-O: 9
Christina: 8.7
Dave: 9.3
Ethan: 6.5
Joe: 10

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