Sunday, January 23, 2022

cinema history class: starblack


As always, there may be spoilers here. And the trailer may be NSFW and/or NSFL.

Session: Masked Men, Both Good and Evil (week 2)
Movie: Starblack (1966)
Directed by Giovanni Grimaldi

I really enjoyed Starblack while we were watching it. Starblack seemed like a character out of a comic book-inspired TV show. There are obvious nods to The Lone Ranger, and the whole dynamic of Jimmy/Starblack's interaction with Caroline is reminiscent of the Clark/Superman/Lois Lane triangle in Superman. Though there is a lot of violence, a lot of the movie -- notably the extended barroom fight scene early on -- is played for laughs.

But, while Starblack is enjoyable, it's not really memorable. Too much of the plot was too easy to figure out. I found myself thinking things like "it can't be that simple" and "there has to be a twist in there." But no. It was that simple, and there were no real twists to be had.

Starblack is much more like an American western than I really like in my spaghetti. It's an unambiguous story of good vs. bad with good prevailing in the end. And I'm used to grayer, bleaker scenery than the lush beautiful greens that this offered.

Reaction and Other Folderol:
The biggest problem with 

Me: 8
Bob-O: 9.2
Christina: 9.5
Dave: 9.7
Ethan: 8

Cats: No cats.

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