Monday, January 6, 2020

cinema history class: dementia (1953)

Session: Horror-Noir—Does It Exist, Week 4
Movie: Dementia (1953)
Directed by John Parker

As always, there may be spoilers here. And the trailer may be NSFW and/or NSFL


A woman dreams of violence, sex and chicken wings. Hilarity ensues.

Well, that wasn't what I was expecting. Originally an experimental film that was filled out and extended slightly so that it could plausibly have a theatrical release, Dementia was essentially an extended dream sequence. There was no real plot, though the viewer can glean insights from the dream imagery. For example, thinly disguised vignettes show the viewer that the main character (she is never given a name) grew up with an abusive father and an adulterous mother. We see her stumble through scene after scene of unpleasant interactions with a variety of people.

Note that I said "see." There is no dialogue. Not even title cards that other silent films would often use to indicate dialogue. There's dramatic music and the omnipresent voice of Marni Nixon wailing as if she were doing the theme from Star Trek. But other than that, the characters occasionally laugh or grunt. And, for some reason, Shorty Rogers and his band do a musical number.

Visually, this film was very interesting and haunting. Were it in color, I'd be comparing it to an acid trip.And the soundtrack was also done well. But I just couldn't rate this higher because of the lack of a story.

A couple notes about this movie and its history:
  • Up above, I indicated that this was a 1953 release, though the trailer and its Wikipedia entry indicate that it's from 1955. According to Wikipedia, it was briefly released in 1953 before being banned by the New York State Film Board for being "inhuman, indecent and the quintessence of gruesomeness." It was rereleased in 1955 with a few edits. I wonder which version it was that Keith showed us?
  • It was rereleased in 1957 under the title, Daughter of Horror, with an added narration by Ed McMahon
Me: 4.5
Dave: 9.5
Ethan: 6
Joe: 10
Sean: 2 out of 4