Thursday, July 2, 2020

thursday nights in new york -- audrey rose

As the pandemic continues*, I continue my weekly recommendation of a movie set in New York.

Tonight's offering: Audrey Rose (1977)

The Templeton family -- Bill, Janice and their daughter, Ivy -- have a happy life on Manhattan's Upper West Side. That is until a strange man visits with a strange story that turns their world upside down.

Audrey Rose seems to fall into The Exorcist genre, though in this case the story centers on reincarnation. There's a good deal of suspense and buildup, though the pace is too slow at times. Also, just because I compared it to The Exorcist, don't assume that it's in any way as good. Because it isn't. Still, a good cast turns in a scary tale. I should note that I read the novel about 40 years ago and loved it. At the time, I kept finding myself thinking that if all this could happen, then reincarnation must be real. Then I'd remind myself that it was only a novel.

Oh, not for nothing, but the trailer seems to be heavily influenced by the trailer for The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

New Yorkiness Rating: 3 out of 4
The city isn't in any way a star, but a lot of the movie does scream "New York."

*At least there's no curfew now

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