Saturday, May 25, 2019

cinema history class: phase iv

Session: Nature Strikes Back, Week 2
Movie:Phase IV (1974)
Directed by Saul Bass

As always, there may be spoilers here. And the trailer may be NSFW and/or NSFL


In the Arizona desert, intelligent ants battle it out with scientists. Hilarity ensues.


This was an extremely slow and plodding film. At times it took too long for things to happen. And yet I found myself in rapt attention. I think that was a function of the camera work -- possibly the best we've seen kin any of the films Keith has shown us. Whatever the reason, I found myself fascinated by the movie, even as I knew that it was moving too slowly.

By the time we neared the end, this was starting to change, and I found my interest waning -- interestingly, at just the point that many movies finally grab me. That wouldn't really have been a problem if this had had a string ending. Or an adequate ending. Instead, we got an unsatisfyingly enigmatic conclusion that just left me disatisfied.

The fundamental concept -- that ants have gained intelligence and the ability to cooperate to take over the world -- is actually quite interesting. And more than a little scary. Sadly, the movie itself isn't nearly as scary as the movie itself. 

Me: 7
Dave: 9
Joe: 9.8 (Note: Joe rates all genre films on a curve, from 9.0 to 10)
Sean: 2 out of 4

Phase IV fails the Bechdel test. For most of the movie there are only three characters. Two of them are men.

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