Sunday, May 19, 2019

how to file olgacoustic?

To understand this post, you have to understand that I can be a bit anal retentive about filing albums. I'm not as bad as I used to be. Three examples of how I've mellowed follow:
  • Squeeze (the British new wave band): Early on in Squeeze's (the British new wave band) career, there was potential confusion between them and an American band called "Tight Squeeze." As a result, the American release of their eponymous debut album identified them as U.K. Squeeze. And, of course, the album had that different title in the U.S. For years, I filed that one album under "U" and the rest of the group's material under "S." Eventually I relented, and I now file it under "S."
  • Bram Tchaikovsky (the British new wave musician and the band he named after himself): Bram Tchaikovsky named his band after himself. On the two albums, Strange Man, Changed Man and The Russians are Coming, the liner notes say "Bram Tchaikovsky are..." thereby indicating that it's a group album that should be filed under B (sort of like Brinsley Schwarz (the band)). Then, there came the album, Funland, which had no language to indicate that there was still a group called Bram Tchiakovsky. Accordingly, I treated that album as a solo effort by Bram Tchaikovsky and I filed it under T. Eventually, I gave up and started putting the all under T.
  • The Toy Dolls (the British punk band): For some reason that has never been explained to me, the album, Orcastrated, identifies the band as "The Toy Dollz" on the cover. For a long time I insisted on listing the album in my database as being by a different band. I finally relented.

With that in mind, I am in a bit of a quandary. Olga, the lead singer and lifeblood of the Toy Dolls,Olgacoustic. It's a collection of accoustic versions of Toy Dolls songs. And it's great, by the way. But it leaves me wondering how to file it. The album simply refers to the artists as "Olga from the Toy Dolls." So, how do I file it? Following are the possibilities (keeping in mind that Olga's real name is Michael Algar):
has put out a solo album called
  • Olga from the Toy Dolls
  • Olga
  • Michael Algar
  • The Toy Dolls
For now, I'm going with "Olga from the Toy Dolls," but it leaves me dissatisfied.

I suppose I should admit that I'm pretty lucky if this is the kind of thing that's keeping me up at night.


  1. Unless you keep things in strict alphabetical order, I'd put it with "The Toy Dolls". Otherwise, wherever it would fall under "O".

    Now, applying this dilemma to DVDs, should I store "The Orville" with Science Fiction, or Comedy series?

    1. So you file DVDs by genre? Interesting...

      I would put The Orville under science fiction. As I plan to note in an upcoming post, it seems that Seth MacFarlane found that he could sustain the show as good science fiction or a good comedy, but not both. He clearly opted for the former.
