Wednesday, July 10, 2024

more cats and more names

 Some time ago, I posted a list of names of cats we have had. It's been a while and there have been a few new cats. So it's time to post an updated list. Following is the text of the prior list, updated with the new names. As before, these names are in chronological order. Copper is the last cat that was on the old list. The new entries start with Wilko

  • Bungee: When I first brought this cat home, I started playing with her. The way she went after a string toy, she looked like she was bungee-jumping.
  • Speck: One of his distinguishing features was his pink nose with a black speck on it.
  • Lena: Ethan picked out the name Lena. I have no idea why.
  • Hrothgar: Ethan was studying Beowulf when we got this cat, and I really liked the names of the characters.
  • Tiger: This one looked like a miniature tiger.
  • Morgan: We got Morgan used, so I have no idea how he got his name.
  • Red: He had a beautiful red coat so we started calling him "Red." We never got around to giving him any other name.
  • Cream: He had a beautiful creamy coat so we started calling him "Cream." We never got around to giving him any other name.
  • Snowflake: She was white, so...
  • Spiderman: This was Asher's first cat. He was into Spiderman and had picked out the name before the cat was even born.
  • 18: Asher was understandably upset after Spiderman died as a kitten (while we were in Florida). As a way of consoling him on the thousand-plus mile drive home, we talked about him getting another cat. When we asked what he would name it, he suggested "Please Don't Die, Baby." That seemed a bit awkward. 18 is a lucky number in Judaism as it symbolizes life*, so I suggested that it would be a good substitute. I'm very glad that Asher went for it.
  • Wiglaf: This name was another name from to Beowulf.
  • Copper: He had a beautiful copper coat.
  • Wilko: Named after British guitarist, Wilko Johnson, who was in the original ,lineup of Dr. Feelgood.
  • Copic: Named after Sharon's favorite brand of professional quality markers
  • Bugsy: Named for Bugs Bunny
  • Tarantula: I'm not sure how Josh came up with that name. The alternative was "Brick," which I prefer.
  • Tuli: "Tuli" is a diminutive form of "Khatool" which is the Hebrew word for cat. So "Tuli" is, essentially, "Kitty."

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