Sunday, November 26, 2023

cinema history class: blood from the mummy's tomb (1971)

The session: "Vamps, Gorgons and Reptiles -- The Wicked Women of Hammer!
We watch Hammer films featuring female monsters.

As always, there may be spoilers here. And the trailer may be NSFW and/or NSFL.

Week 4: Blood from the Mummy's Tomb (1971)
Directed by Seth Holt

My Impressions Going In:
I had never heard of this.

An ancient evil Egyptian queen is brought back to life in modern day London.

Reaction and Other Folderol:
Once again, most of the details of this film escape my memory, since I am trying to write about it more than a month after seeing it. I really need to get back to writing these classes up in a more timely manner. But life is hectic. Of course, that speaks to my feeling of disconnectedness from the Hammer world.

I do recall that this had a more lush feel than most of the Hammer films I've seen. I also recall feeling that it would have been better served had Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing. Of course, that latter point was the subject of a good bit of classroom debate. I won't go into it, save to say that I was right.

I realize that this write-up isn't of much use. And I wouldn't even bother with it at this point, except that I want to keep this unofficial record of what Keith has shown us.


Me: 7.75
Bob-O: 9.8

Dave: 9.5
Ethan: 7
Joe: 10

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