Saturday, August 15, 2020

space: 1999 -- season 2 episode 15 -- a matter of balance

Season 2, Episode 15: A Matter of Balance

This blog comes with the generalized warning that any post may contain spoilers. That is especially true of these Space: 1999 posts. So if you haven't seen this episode, intend to watch it, and therefore don't want spoilers, then don't read.

Plot Synopsis
An impressionable young Alphan falls under the spell of a mysterious see-through alien. Turns out he comes from some kind of antimatter realm, where the antimatter people want to become matter people. But for every one of them that becomes matter, a matter person has to become antimatter. Because balance.

My Thoughts
We're getting back into the realm of the really stupid episodes. And that's kind of a shame. The basic concept -- someone from a different realm is trying to lure Alphans into his realm so he and his realm-mates can take their place in ours -- has promise. But it's handled so ham-handedly that it just comes off as an exercise in silliness. And that weird giant antimatter froglike thing guarding the obelisk? I mean, seriously -- WTF!

In the episode's favor, I like the fact that they're sticking with the ongoing side-story of Tony's beer-brewing. But I wish they hadn't just dropped the concept of Dr. Russel as a sculptor.

Oh, for those who are into beefcake, there's Stuart Wilson in a very revealing outfit. He is quite attractive, though his sneer and voice kind of remind me of Richard O'Brien in The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

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