Monday, June 3, 2019

what movies must i see?

I have seen a whole lot of movies in the weekly cinema history class that Ethan and I attend. It's been going on for over five years (6? 7? I'm not sure), so even with vacations and missed weeks, that's still over 250 movies. But Keith's focus isn't on the big famous movies. He's covering a genre (or, if you prefer, several related genres) and showing us movies that we might not come across otherwise.

A couple times, classics have been mentioned, and the class has expressed surprise that I hadn;t seen them. Noteworthy is Casablanca. But Joe lent me his DVD, so I have now seen that. It all makes me wonder what movies are true classics -- important parts of our culture that I really should make a point of seeing?

If you, my reader, have any thoughts, I am open to suggestion.

1 comment:

  1. Citizen Kane, Gone With the Wind, The Maltese Falcon, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The African Queen, The Caine Mutiny, Little Caesar, The Public Enemy, Angels with Dirty Faces, The Mayor of Hell, The Roaring Twenties, Night Nurse, The Petrified Forest, High Sierra, Three Strangers, Stagecoach (the original), The Searchers, High Noon, The Birds, Forbidden Planet, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Witness for the Prosecution, Twelve Angry Men, Five, Panic in the Year Zero, I Was a Fugitive From a Chain Gang, Stranger on the Third Floor, He Walked by Night, Laura, 14 Hours, Rear Window, Rope, The Lady Vanishes, Rebecca, Strangers on a Train…

    …And every Universal or Hammer horror film you haven’t yet seen!

    I could do this all night, but there’s a huge cross-genre list for you to ponder!

    …Sorry you asked?
