Wednesday, March 28, 2018

cinema history class: the oblong box

Session: Price and Poe -- a Match Made on Heaven, Week 3
Movie: The Oblong Box (1969)
Directed by Gordon Hessler
As always, there may be spoilers here. And the trailer may be NSFW and/or NSFL

Sir Edward Markham gets disfigured (because of his brother's crime), kept as a virtual prisoner (by his brother) and then buried alive (by his brother). He wants revenge. Hilarity ensues.

Unlike some of the guys in the class, I can't really say that this was a great movie. But it was a good, solid story and entertaining to the end. In fact, I was kind of all set to give this thing a 7. But the end -- a twist worthy of The Twilight Zone --was strong enough to make me bump this up to an 8.5. Similarly, the ending got Joe to move his needle from 9.8 to 10.

The other part that I particularly liked was the barroom scene. I realize that it was mostly filler. But I kept expecting to see Georgia Brown belt out a round of "Oom-Pah Pah."

Me: 8.5
Dave: 9.4-9.5
Ethan: 10
Joe: 10
Sean: 2 out of 4

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this film continues to entertain, and despite it's faults it's still a fan favorite!
