Tuesday, August 4, 2020

happy tunesday: "regretting what i said... (a musical apology)"

The first thing to note is that I was a big fan of Christine Lavin's early on. And "Regretting What I Said" was one of my favorites. It caught Christine at her early witty best.

It also provided me a chance to get a letter published in The Ann Arbor News (back when writing letters to newspapers was my thing), and it provides Blair her earliest memory of me -- from 11 years before we actually met. She thought I was a dick. And, based solely on that one brief incident (which, again, happened 11 years before we met), I kind of was.

But there's one question I need answered. On the album cover, the song is simply listed as "Regretting What I Said...(A Musical Apology)." But in the recording, Christine introduces the song with the following monologue:
This song is called "Regretting What I Said to You When you Called Me at Eleven O'Clock on a Friday Morning to Tell Me that at One O'Clock Friday Afternoon You're Gonna Leave Your Office, Go Downstairs, Hail a Cab To Go Out to the Airport to Catch a Plane to Go Skiing in the Alps for Two Weeks. Not that I Wanted to Go With You -- I Wasn't Able to Leave Town, I'm Not a Very Good Skier, I Couldn't Expect You to Pay My Way -- But After Going Out With You for Three Years I Don't Like Surprises." And it's subtitled "A Musical Apology." In this song I attempt to take back everything I said while standing in a phone booth on the corner of 39th and Third.
So...What is the actual correct title? The short one written on the album cover? Or the long one that Christine recited at the beginning of the track?

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