Saturday, March 11, 2023

cinema history class: tower of london (1962)

The session: "Despicable Despots Month! Don't Go in the Dungeon!"

This month we creep through castles and find the skeletons hidden in the closets

As always, there may be spoilers here. And the trailer may be NSFW and/or NSFL.

Week 2: Tower of London (1962)
Directed by Roger Corman

My Impressions Going In:
I'd never heard of this.


After killing his brother, the Duke of Gloucester (Vincent Price) struggles to maintain his sanity so he can seize the English throne.

Reaction and Other Folderol:
One of the things I love in a movie is seeing similarities to other works. It doesn't matter if the similarity is a matter of style, plot or something else. And it doesn't matter if the similarities are to something that came earlier or something that came after. I'm also not talking about a situation where I have to struggle to notice it. I'm talking about the kind of thing where I'm watching a movie and I think "Wow! this feels like I'm watching The Twilight Zone," "The plot seems to be influenced by "The Tell-Tale Heart" or "It's kind of like Game of Thrones." And that happened a lot with this movie. The above are three of the similarities I noticed. MacBeth was a fourth. I'm not sure that all these similarities actually made it a better movie, but they certainly made it so I enjoyed the movie more.

And, of course, a week after I said I'm just not really into the gothic movies with Vincent Price (or some similar actor -- as if there are actors similar to Vincent Price) and a castle, Keith showed us this. And...well, maybe I have to reconsider.

Me: 9.2
Bob-O: 9.7
Dave: 10
Ethan: 9.5

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