Friday, September 11, 2020

the upside of blog

I have now repeatedly come across a great advantage to blogging.

Time and again, on other social media platforms, I see discussions that I can contribute to. But what I want to say is longer than I really want to bother typing. This fact is on my mind because it happened for the nth (for some positive integer n) time today. Monica Lewinsky twote something about a recipe she experimented with. Since it involved combining sweet and savory, the subject turned to pineapple on pizza. This brought to mind my experiment with kiwi pizza -- something I blogged about a year or so ago. So instead of retyping the whole thing (which would have been a tweetstorm), I could simply link to my blogpost.

This kind of this seems to happen a lot. Well, maybe not a lot. But enough that I've gotten to seeing this as a real advantage to blogging.


  1. You follow Monica Lewinsky?! You're a few decades late, aren't you? :-) Even Stormy Daniels is old news by now!

    1. No, I don't follow Monica Lewinsky. Sometimes someone I *do* follow will like or retweet one of her tweets, and then I see what she twote. That said, on occasion she does show sharp wit and remarkable poise. She really doesn't deserve the shit she's been put through.
