Friday, April 27, 2018

if you can't get a seat at roosevelt avenue...

You know those cute folksy expressions that, at least in the popular imagination, are the mark of rural
speech patterns? Well, I think we urban folks need some of them too. So I'd like to propose some folks-sounding urban phrases and expressions.

The first one, by the way, harkens back to my high school days. There was some guy I vaguely knew (he was two grades ahead of me) who used it as the quote under his picture in the yearbook. I think I know what it meant, but I'm not sure. Anyway, After that one, the rest are from my fertile mind. I am open to suggestions for more expressions.

  • If you can't get a seat at Roosevelt Avenue, you're not really trying.
  • Even Times Square gets snow.
  • Don't open a bodega and call it Whole Foods.
  • He couldn't get mugged if he tried.
  • Don't snatch my purse and then say you have no ID.
  • Like homeless to an E train.
  • If you'r crossing sixth, watch out for the roaches.


  1. Someone clearly misses the crime-ridden, urban decay version of New York!

    How about some new ones to reflect the better place New York is today:

    "You can go to the Hudson on the 7? YES!"

    "Times Square is Disneyland East!"

    "There's a subway up the East Side that King Kong will never find!"

    Everyone, try some of your own...

    1. Not that I miss the "crime-ridden, urban decay version of New York."

      But that's the version I knew when I was a teenager going to high school in Manhattan.

      Besides...With Bill the Incompetent running things, the shitty has been going downhill.
