Monday, October 7, 2019

cinema history class: the sorcerers

Session: Karloff in the Age of Aquarius, Week 3
Movie: The Sorcerers (1967)
Directed by Michael Reeves

As always, there may be spoilers here. And the trailer may be NSFW and/or NSFL


A hypnotist and his wife come up with a way to experience thrills vicariously through someone else's eyes. And they want all the thrills they can get. Hilarity ensues.

It's not easy to steal the show from Boris Karloff, but that's what Catherine Lacey accomplished. Karloff was good, but Lacey was better. She practically looked like she was orgasming as she experienced Mike's (Ian Ogilvy) thrills. And watching her transform from this lovely gentle old lady into an adrenaline junkie was really fascinating.Karloff was good, don't get that wrong. But he wasn't nearly as interesting as Lacey.

Keith told us that Karloff was responsible for having the script changed in a way that made his character more sympathetic. What's more significant is that the changes he suggested created conflict between him and his wife. That really made the movie work in a way it wouldn't have otherwise.

The only thing I didn;t like about this movie was the annoying psychedelic light sequence as Mike (Ian Ogilvy) underwent the procedure that set events in motion. They could have done it much better without the lights.

I liked this Karloff movie much more than the first two in the session. The story was more creative, and there was more to sink your teeth into.

Me: 7
Dave: 9.5-9.6
Ethan: 7
Joe: 10*
Sean: 3 out of 4

*Joe missed this week, so he didn;t see the movie or get to rate it. I'm just assuming he would have given it a 10.