Monday, May 27, 2024

cinema history class: goke, body snatcher from hell (1968)

The session: "Japanese Sci-Fi"
Four Japanese science fiction movies -- but not the cliche giant monster kind

s always, there may be spoilers here. And the trailer may be NSFW and/or NSFL.

Week 2: Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell (1968)
Directed by Hajime Sato:

I hadn't heard of this.

After they crash land, the passengers of an airliner find themselves fighting for survival against a space alien

Reaction and Other Folderol:
I wouldn't say that Goke is incoherent, but it comes damn close. They threw in way too many science fiction tropes, which made it hard to follow the plot. This was most apparent at the ending. There were a lot of different good ideas for how to end the film, but it seems like they couldn't decide which to use. As a result, there were a bunch of points where it should have ended, but instead plowed into another ending.

Some of the visual effects were good, but others were laughably bad. The scenes on the alien spaceship reminded me of the worst of season 1 Space: 1999 -- though if I want to be charitable I can attribute it to their desire to achieve an otherworldly feel. But while we're on the subject of effects from Space: 1999, it's also worth noting that some of the Goke's effects -- notably the rockslides -- seems like the worst of season 2 of that show.

Add to that the fact the soundtrack was overhearing and I couldn't really like any of the characters.

Me: 5
Bob-O: 9
Christina: 9.3
Dave: 8.7
Ethan: 8.5

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